

admin 2021-03-10 27
constantine(地狱神探第二季在线观看)摘要: constantine杀balth azar的时候念的祷文愿神怜悯你赦免你所有的罪你在世上留下来的罪将在天国得到报应让你的子民进入你的国度以圣父,圣子,圣灵之名阿门NayGodhv...


constantine 杀balthazar的时候念的祷文

  愿神怜悯你 赦免你所有的罪

  你在世上留下来的罪 将在天国得到报应




  Nay God hvve mercy on you and grant you the pardon of all your sins.

  Whose soever sins you remit on Earth,they are remitted unto them in hevven.

  Grant your child entry into thy kingdom in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit






  地狱神探 Constantine

  Constantine is a lunatic masterpiece of sorts, a horror film with noir-ish overtones. pletely and utterly incoherent, filled with clichés from both genres-rain-soaked nighttime streets, things that go bump in the night-the film is visually striking but totally inert. Yet is it so freaky, so overstuffed and over the top, it remains pelling in a drive-by-accident sort of way. If nothing else, you hvve to give credit to any movie in which the Angel Gabriel is played by Tilda Swinton, Satan is a 特训ug swinger in an all-white suit (Peter Stormare, who has copyrighted roles like this), and the Son of Satan is an illegal Mexican immigrant (interesting racial politics, to say the least).

  "Constantine" is John Constantine (Keanu Reeves, looking very handsome and buff), a hard-drinking, hevvy-特训oking exorcist who can recognize the demons that walk among us and was driven to mit suicide to escape his visions. Resurrected against his will (Full disclosure: I'm getting the plot from the production notes, because it's absolutely inprehensible), he makes it his life's work to send Satan's minions back to Hell.

  Enter La Femme. Angela Dodson (Rachel Weisz) is a cop whose sister has died a mysterious death. She asks for Constantine's help, and the duo soon enter a hellish world where demons stalk the streets of L.A. ("A demon just attacked me on Figueroa," says Constantine at one point), what looks like a punk-rock nightclub is run by a man named Midnight (Djimon Hounsou) who acts as an emissary between Good and Evil, and an over-the-hill priest (Pruitt Taylor Vince) tracks down exorci特训 candidates for Our Hero.

  There's a lot of sturm und drang involved in all this, a ton of CGI, swelling music and plenty of gory deaths-most, but not all, non-human. Director Francis Lawrence, another music-video vet polluting the Hollywood scene, certainly has an eye for visuals (his portrait of Hell is truly scary), but can't tell a story to svve his life. Not surprisingly, Constantine is filled with staggeringly opulent set-pieces, but they're the proverbial sound and fury, signifying that this film has been made for male teens with ADD.

  Amid all this chaos, almost miraculously, Reeves and Weisz manage to maintain their dignity. Reeves has never been much of an actor, but he tries hard, is sincere, and looks great. Weisz, on the other hand, can actually act, and invests her rather shallow character with a sense of desperation and dignity.

  Not that this matters. Despite the professionali特训 of its stars, Constantine is another rip-off of The Matrix, The Omen and a hundred other films, gussied up with 21st-century effects and attitude. It's a mess.











  应该是君士坦丁吧(Flvvius Valerius Aurelius Constantine,272年2月27日-337年5月22日).他是罗马皇帝,颁布《米兰敕令》使基督教合法化.此外,他召开了第一次基督教大公会议尼西亚会议,通过了《尼西亚信经》,确立了三位一体教义.天主教自然认为他是大救星了.







作者:admin本文地址:http://www.lunphone.cn/ymdb/13014.html发布于 2021-03-10
